
Search Tips

The Filter Search allows you to find campuses and centers based on certain criteria. Some general tips to using the Filter Search:

  1. Directory entries are by campus names. One center in Denver (CO) serves 3 campuses and one center in Claremont (CA) serves 7 campuses. These campuses are all located in the Southwest region. If you are reporting out data from a Filter Search, please keep in mind that more campuses are listed than centers serving them. For example, if 245 campuses are listed in the Directory, then 237 centers/offices exist providing LGBT resources.
  2. Once you click on a letter in the A-to-Z, you must click on “All” to return to all centers in the Directory. You can clear search criteria (but not the A-to-Z selection) by clicking “Reset.” Thus, the best way to return to all campuses listed in the Directory is to click on both “All” by the A-to-Z and the “Reset” button at the top right corner of the Listing page.
  3. You can find campuses by State/Province using the “Sort By” filter at the bottom of the Search panel and selecting “State/Province.” Search by Region first to narrow the results.
  4. Filter searches are cumulative – until you click “Reset,” each criteria selected is added to the criteria already submitted. Please note that each criteria selected is highlighted in grey.
  5. You can select more than one criteria (for example, enrollment from 10,000 to 20,000 and 20,000 to 30,000) by holding down the Control key on a PC or the Command key on a Mac.

Center Type

  • Stand-alone LGBTQ center: A space you can walk into whose sole-purpose is providing LGBTQ services or resources, directed by professional staff or a GA.
  • Within Women’s or Gender Equity Office: Office includes staff whose job description specifically focuses on LGBTQ concerns.
  • Within Cross-Cultural or Diversity Office: Office includes staff whose job description specifically focuses on LGBTQ concerns.
  • Other: Staff position is housed within Student Life, a Wellness Center, or some other office. Please see “Notes” under Intuitional Info for clarification.

Institution Type

Criteria selected by Carnegie Classification. Please see “Notes” under Intuitional Info for occasional clarification.

  • Community College
  • Bachelor’s Conferring / General
  • Bachelor’s Conferring / Liberal Arts
  • Master’s Conferring
  • PhD Conferring / Research


Criteria selected by Carnegie Classification.

  • Private
  • Public


  • Under 5,000
  • 5,000 to 10,000
  • 10,000 to 20,000
  • 20,000 to 30,000
  • 30,000 to 40,000
  • More than 40,000


The Directory uses regions established by the Consortium of Higher Education LGBT Resource Professionals.

  • Northwest: Alaska, British Columbia, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, Wyoming
  • Midwest: Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota
  • Great Lakes: 
Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Wisconsin
  • Northeast: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Ontario, Rhode Island, Vermont
  • Southwest: 
Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah
  • South Central: 
Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Texas
  • South/Southeast: 
Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia
  • Mid-Atlantic: 
Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania


  • Religiously-Affiliated Institution: campus administration answers to a religious institution.
  • Historically Black College / University: institutions of higher education in the United States that were established before the Civil Rights Act of 1964 with the intention of primarily serving the African-American community.
  • Women’s College: single-sex U.S. institutions of higher education that historically only admit female students.
  • Resources Directed by a Graduate Assistant: a GA works 20 hours a week as the primary director of LGBT resources and services for the campus.
  • Student Government-Affiliated Center: office space and budget part of Student Government.


Notes regarding any of the Directory listings may be added manually. Please use the Update Request form.